Aquarius Spa


Description Amount


 Adult price 3.900, – Ft
13 euros

Reduced price tickets

 Children to 3 years 100, – Ft
0.33 euro
 Children from 3-6 2.400, – Ft
8 euros
 Students, over 62 3.100, – Ft
10 euros

Family ticket

 2 adults + 1 child 9.700, – Ft
32 euros
  2 adults + 2 children 11.900, – Ft
38 euros
  2 adults + 3 children 14.300, – Ft
46 euros
 every further child from 3-16 2.200, – Ft
7 euros

Afternoon price (after 05 p.m. for 3 hours, with sauna)

 For all categories (adult, reduced price) 4.400, – Ft
14 euros
 Afternoon swimming ticket, valid between 6.30 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. 1.000, -Ft
3 euros
 Night swimming ticket (valid on Wednesday and Friday between 9.00 pm and 2.00 a.m., entry from the side of Hotel Barbizon) 1.900, -Ft
6 euros


 Season ticket for 3 occasions (valid for 10 days) 10.900, – Ft
35 euros
 Season ticket for 5 occasions (valid for 90 days) 17.900, – Ft
58 euros
 Adult season ticket for 10 occasions (valid for 180 days) 34.000, – Ft
110 euros
 Children season ticket for 10 occasions-Student season ticket for 10 occasions-Retired season ticket for 10 occasions(valid for 180 days) 27.000, – Ft
87 euros
 Spa season ticket for 15 occasions (valid for 180 days with doctor’s prescription) 37.900, – Ft
122 euros
 Electronic wrist ribbon caution, with season tickets 2.000, – Ft
6 euros


 Sauna (unlimited) 1.500, – Ft
6 euros
 Sauna ticket for 4 hours (after 4.00 p.m..
 The ticket authorizes to use only the pools of the sauna area and the spa area. In case of staying outside of the sauna and the medicinal pool for more than 60 minutes, a surcharge will be applied.)
3.000, – Ft
9 euros


 Cabin ticket 2.400, – Ft
8 euros
  Lockert ticket 600, – Ft
2 euros
 Safe deposit 700, – Ft
2 euros
 Credit line for expenses for electronic wrist ribbon 9.000, – Ft
29 euros


 Surcharge to the sauna ticket for 4 hours (in case of staying outside the sauna for more than 60 minnutes) 15, – Ft/min
 The maximum amount of the surcharge to the sauna ticket for 4 hours 1.400, – Ft
5 euros
 Lost electric wrist ribbon ticket in case of bill available 3.000, – Ft
9 euros
 Lost electric wrist ribbon ticket in case of bill missing 10.000, – Ft
32 euros